Our firm, On-Line Strategies, is going through a growth spurt, the result of hard work, attention to detail, successful projects and happy customers. We’re on the lookout for new people to join our team.
We have two immediate needs:
First: Developers, Developers, Developers, Developers! These positions report to Dave Bergert, OLS’ Technology and Development Director. [See Dave’s blog here.] Dave's in the process of putting together some ads that will run on key forums. But if you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know what we do. Contact Dave directly to present your qualifications.
We're of the opinion that good technical talent knows no boundaries. So, even though our HQ is in Dallas, TX, USA, don't be afraid to pitch your qualifications no matter where you are.
Second: We’re scouting for Project Managers. Our PMs are payment systems specialists who: interact with customers; gather and document business requirements; identify and create add-on business opportunities; present and explain development needs to Dave and his team; review unit tests; create test plans for customers; craft go-live plans; create internal documentation and release notes; manage customer expectations; interact with other PMs to find synergies and identify like solutions; expand and refine our on-boarding processes; participate in technical sales calls; assist in production support efforts; write blogs to expand our online presence; and…you get the idea.
Put another way, our PMs do everything in the customer lifecycle except sales (we have a team for that) and design, development, technology choices and hard-core production support (Dave’s team - see above).
Send me an e-mail expressing your interest and qualifications. Unlike developers, our PMs need to be US-based in order to travel to our clients.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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